AP Computer Science

George would have taken computer programming,
if it had existed in 1748.




If you didn't complete these when you took Java Programming:

1. Bar Codes
2. Recursive Binary Search
3. Insertion Sort
4. Palindrome
5. A Stack Class
6. Arithmetic Stack
7. A Queue Class
8. 911 Ambulance Dispatch
9. Elevens Project
10. Towers of Hanoi
11. Robot Recursion
12. Birthday Problem
14. Random Walk
15. Volleyball
16. Merge Sort
17. Regular Expressions Project
18. Image Processing Project
19. Hash Set
20. Hash Map



Review Packet #2 multiple-choice questions is due April 22.

Review Packet #3 multiple-choice questions is due May 6.

Due April 12:
Read Chapter 14 on Recursion from the Java Concepts Advanced Placement CS Study Guide. Answer the 10 multiple-choice questions that start on p. 276. Also do free-response question #1 on p. 281. This exercise is worth 8 points.






APCS Links

  • Code We Wrote in Class